Saturday, April 4, 2009

New York..

Johnny, one of my dearest friends moved to New York this past August to be closer to his lady friend Emma.
For spring break i decided to visit!
This is what we did...

Emma and Johnny were lovey dovey..

Emma and I saw Valentino: The Last Emperor

with, and thanks to, her lovely mom..

It was fantastic and beautiful.

On my last day in New York Emma and I finally made it to the one and only

Keith, one of the owners, was there and was so kind as to take a picture with us!
He is probably one of the nicest and most genuine people I have ever met.
He gave Emma and I cute homemade gifts (Emma is wearing hers in the picture)
and pretty much made my life complete!

Other then that we shopped a bit and just hung out.

I will post video from the trip sooon :]

1 comment:

  1. 1. he moved in january not august
    2. that picture of me outside of film forum seems like its missing a perez hilton dick ahahah
    3. i miss the fuck out of you
