Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dez'mon and his Snickers..

New York..

Johnny, one of my dearest friends moved to New York this past August to be closer to his lady friend Emma.
For spring break i decided to visit!
This is what we did...

Emma and Johnny were lovey dovey..

Emma and I saw Valentino: The Last Emperor

with, and thanks to, her lovely mom..

It was fantastic and beautiful.

On my last day in New York Emma and I finally made it to the one and only

Keith, one of the owners, was there and was so kind as to take a picture with us!
He is probably one of the nicest and most genuine people I have ever met.
He gave Emma and I cute homemade gifts (Emma is wearing hers in the picture)
and pretty much made my life complete!

Other then that we shopped a bit and just hung out.

I will post video from the trip sooon :]

Thursday, April 2, 2009

cry cry baby

I am crying...
and its something i haven't done a lot in the past couple months, but i am now.

I hate that it is so hard for me to finish things.
I lose all interest once something becomes routine.

I am crying because I am scared about my dad.
I am crying because I am stressed
I am crying because I miss hanni and Jeremy.
I am crying because I don't know if i will ever find a place i can call home.
I am crying because I am stressed and feel dumb.
I am crying because I am frustrated with my anxiety.
I am crying because I feel abandoned by my best friend.
I am crying because I am letting my emotions get the best of me at this very moment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ode to Dez

There are very few times people meet soul mates in life. I have had the great luck to meet at least one a year. 2008 brought me Dez'mon Omega Fair. Unfortunately, 2009 is taking him far away from me. Distance can't ever stop my love for him. If i had a top 10 beautiful people's list, inside beauty and out, dez would be number 1.

Dez, xan loves you.<3